Far Eastern Drug Incorporated
Address: Osmeña Blvd, Cebu City, Cebu
Phone: (032) 2558741-3 ; (032) 4234279
Mobile: 0923 2703500 ; 0917 7041343
Email: sales@fareasterndrug.com
Website: http://fareasterndrug.com/index.html
Social Media:
Cebu FAR EASTERN DRUG, INC., started as a single proprietorship on the early 50's by H. J. CHANG and CONCEPTION UY CHANG along plaridel Street, Cebu City, dealing in simple trading on western drugs and medicines as the main line. Later, it transferred to Pres. Osmena Blvd. (formerly Juan Luna Street) corner Plaridel streets for a bigger and better location.
As the business grew, some fresh capital was invested and paved way for the birth of a Corporation. By so doing, more product lines were added such as the photographic supplies, industrial chemicals and reagents. In order to serve better the needs of the local industries, some of the trade items were imported directly from the manufacturer.
Phone: (032) 2558741-3 ; (032) 4234279
Mobile: 0923 2703500 ; 0917 7041343
Email: sales@fareasterndrug.com
Website: http://fareasterndrug.com/index.html
Social Media:
Cebu FAR EASTERN DRUG, INC., started as a single proprietorship on the early 50's by H. J. CHANG and CONCEPTION UY CHANG along plaridel Street, Cebu City, dealing in simple trading on western drugs and medicines as the main line. Later, it transferred to Pres. Osmena Blvd. (formerly Juan Luna Street) corner Plaridel streets for a bigger and better location.
As the business grew, some fresh capital was invested and paved way for the birth of a Corporation. By so doing, more product lines were added such as the photographic supplies, industrial chemicals and reagents. In order to serve better the needs of the local industries, some of the trade items were imported directly from the manufacturer.
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